(This account do not 100% get jumping ticket !
multiple accounts in one KSSN, so i dont know which account can receive a jumping ticket !
Account deliver within 24 hours !
Account once sold do not change or refund !)
NOTE:This account rent from other korean players.
renewal every 30days. otherwise ID's owner will rent to other person.
Renewal 30days place order (do renew 3days before time expired)at
*Do not alow to change password or PIN
*KR VPN must use fixed IP , or your account will be blocked. (ID protection mode) but do not use "exitlag "
exitlag node ips have been detected by STOVE, they will block account
If account locked , place order at
Buy cash shop points at
1. In order to use this account ,You have to recharge every 30days.
example :your buy account on this month 10th, you should pay renewal on every month's 7th!
renew price is the same as account's price.
once you do not renew.. Account will be taken back by ID owner and sell to other player .
3. In the future, If requires your account re-verify, we charge 3USD to unlock .
4. Account once delivered , Do not refund !
5. Account banned because bot, Do not refund!
* We will send Account to your order page ,
guide :
*when you login game site , If it say password wrong . do not try again over than 10 times otherwise account will be blocked. Clean browser cookies try again.
*After you create character, it will ask you set the secondary password (6-8 digits,) do not forget what number you set .
ONCE IT LOCKED, we can not do rest .
* If you login to get this erro, it means game server Congestion or maintenance. Try login later

* if you get this erro screen . try click "GAMESTART" from game site

ANY OTHER trouble to login Lost ark game .
contact Email:
Email 's Title write ( lost ark account can not login) , Description include 3 things :
1. order number of newgameway
2. Game ID, Password ( did you change password or not ?)
3. what erro on your computer? send the erro 's screen shot !
NewGameWay team will check your game account and fix it quickly
Game offical website: